Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Terrible Week

Since Saturday (20 June), it had been a terrible time for me. Although I already knew that it is common for a pregnant lady to have vomiting urge, but I have never imagined it to be so tough. On an average, it has always been at least one vomiting incident for me everyday. 

Starts the day feeling hungry, will then attempt to eat some bread. After that, will eat my folic acid pill. Then the vomiting urge will start. Will try to control the urge by putting some peppermint balm on the nose or eating sour plum. I do not want to waste the effect of folic acid if I puke it out.  

Then comes lunch. Will attempt to have some porridge or fried beehoon as staple food. After some time, the vomitting urge will be here again. This time round, I will definitely puke something out. After puking, I will feel hungry again. However, there is just no appetite to eat anymore. 

Dinner is the worst. Have the feeling of hunger, but no appetite to eat. Will try to force myself to take in some stuff. After that, the urge to puke is here again. 

This cycle will repeats daily. I really wonder to myself how much I can take. Already feeling very helpless as I have no mood to do anything. The house is in a mess and my work is piling up. When can I pick myself up?

Nevertheless, I am lucky that I am having school holidays during this period of time. However, when the school starts in a few days time, how am I going to cope? Feeling so frustrated. 

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